Ocean Swim 1km or 2.26km
The Mona Vale ocean swims, proudly sponsored and supported by The Pittwater, is a two-swim event on Sydney’s Northern Beaches and one of five events in the Pittwater Ocean Swim Series.
The first of the swims is the 1km Janice Mason Family Fun Swim at Mona Vale, a relaxed and enjoyable swim for the whole family that starts and finishes at Mona Vale Beach.
Following that, the longer of the two swims, the Don Jenkin Memorial Swim, takes swimmers on a 2.26km journey from Warriewood Beach to the Mona Vale Basin.
Once you finish your ocean swim head up to the club’s members’ lounge, the Cook Terrace, for presentations from 11 am, visit the Bright Side Café or The Basin Dining for lunch or spend the day in Mona Vale exploring the area, attractions, and cafes, we have something to suit everyone’s taste.
Online entries are OPEN, closing 18 Jan, 3:00pm
For more information visit: https://oceanswims.com/event/mona-vale-ocean-swim/
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